
It’s time to #beatplasticpollution

2024-05-23 |

Since the 1950s, plastic has become so ubiquitous that it's now used in everything from children’s toys and medical eq...
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Webinar: Can I recycle this?

2024-02-22 | English

In this webinar, the One Planet network Consumer Information Programme presents its new report "Can I recycle this? A gl...
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Panel Discussion on Plastic Pollution in Asia

2023-12-13 | English

Business models that indicate a rights-based approach along the plastic at Corporate Sustainability & Environmental ...
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SEA of Solutions 2022 – Spotlight Inclusion

2023-01-24 | English

SoS 2022 spotlights unique and impactful circularity solutions that transform the linear plastic value chain into a circ...
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SEA of Solutions 2022 – Spotlight Collaboration

2023-01-24 | English

SoS 2022 spotlights unique and impactful circularity solutions that transform the linear plastic value chain into a circ...
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SEA of Solutions 2022 – Spotlight Innovation

2023-01-24 | English

SoS 2022 spotlights unique and impactful circularity solutions that transform the linear plastic value chain into a circ...
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SEA of Solutions 2022 – Day 2

2023-01-24 | English

SoS 2022 spotlights unique and impactful circularity solutions that transform the linear plastic value chain into a circ...
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SEA of Solutions 2022 – Day 1

2023-01-24 | English

SoS 2022 spotlights unique and impactful circularity solutions that transform the linear plastic value chain into a circ...
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SEA of Solutions 2022 – Opening Video

2023-01-24 | English

SoS 2022 spotlights unique and impactful circularity solutions that transform the linear plastic value chain into a circ...
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UNOC Side Event: Collective Effort in South-East Asia to End Plastic Pollution

2022-06-30 | English

The UN Environment Programme’s SEA circular project organized a virtual side event at the UN Ocean Conference 2022 on ...
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COVID-19 worsened the plastic pollution crisis: Countries strive for solution

2022-05-12 | English

The COVID-19 pandemic has took a toll on the existing plastic pollution crisis due to the increased use of medical and p...
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Catalyzing Behavioural Change toward Single-Use Plastics in the South-East Asia

2022-05-12 | English

100 days to #BeatPlasticPollution campaign is an initiative by UNEP’s SEA circular project, which aimed to raise aware...
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Celebrating partnership on plastic initiatives – World Environment Day 2020

2020-07-24 | English

The theme of the International Day for Environment is dedicated to Biological Diversity (Time for Nature), and it takes ...
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Celebrating partnership on plastic initiatives – World Environment Day 2020 (Brief)

2020-07-24 | English

The theme of the International Day for Environment is dedicated to Biological Diversity (Time for Nature), and it takes ...
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How to stop plastic waste flowing from rivers to the Oceans?

2020-05-25 | English

Plastic pollution is a major problem all across Asia. UNEP and partners have been working through the CounterMEASURE pro...
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How to empower women in waste management?

2020-03-09 | English

Video from the UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre: Gender and waste nexus 5: Empowering women in the was...
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Towards gender responsive policies in waste management

2020-03-09 | English

Video from the UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre: Gender and waste nexus 4: Towards gender responsive p...
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Learn household’s role in waste management

2020-03-09 | English

Video from the UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre: Gender and waste nexus 3: Household's role in waste m...
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Gendered state of waste management

2020-03-09 | English

Video from the UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre: Gender and waste nexus 2. Gendered state of waste man...
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Gender and waste nexus: Experiences from Bhutan, Mongolia and Nepal

2020-03-09 | English

Video from the UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre: Gender and waste nexus 1. This video series, develope...
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SEA of Solutions 2019: Partnership Week to Reduce Plastic Pollution

2019-12-02 |

SEA of Solutions 2019 was the first annual partnership week convened by SEA circular. SEA of Solutions 2019 took place a...
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SEA of Solutions 2019: Event Summary

2019-11-30 |

SEA of Solutions 2019 was the first annual partnership week convened by SEA circular. SEA of Solutions 2019 took place a...
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Solution to Plastic Pollution: Plastic Value Chain

2019-11-15 | English

For decades, plastic waste has been a global commodity. But ‘recyclable’ plastic waste is often contaminated – it ...
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Solution to Plastic Pollution: Policy and Control in Packaging Industry

2019-11-15 | English

Packaging accounts for over a quarter of plastic used worldwide. Plastic has revolutionized the way we package food, dis...
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Solution to Plastic Pollution: Finance, Innovation and Technology

2019-11-15 | English

Plastic pollution costs everyone. And the environment pays the ultimate price. What if… less money was spent on inadeq...
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SEA of Solutions 2019: Voices for solutions

2019-11-15 | English

Featuring messages of urgency, pledges, announcements and commitments from various perspectives – of national and loca...
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Striving for Solutions to Beat Plastic Pollution In the South-East Asia

2019-11-15 | English

SEA of Solutions 2019 is the first annual partnership week convened by SEA circular. SEA of Solutions 2019 brought toget...
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#CleanSeas – State of our oceans

2019-03-13 | English

At the 4th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi in 2017, Lewis Pugh spoke about the state of our oceans...
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Plastic Ocean

2018-10-27 | English

This film was created with plastic waste collected from the streets of Bangkok, Thailand. By 2050, scientists predict th...
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How humans are turning the world into plastic

2018-07-01 | English

Modern life would be impossible without plastic – but we have long since lost control over our invention. Why has plas...
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Clean Seas Philippines

2018-06-13 | English

Philippines has some of the most incredible biodiversity on the planet, but the country suffers from plastic pollution l...
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#CleanSeas – Reducing microbeads by Nadya Hutagalung

2018-06-07 | English

Media personality Nadya Hutagalung supports #CleanSeas by calling on the cosmetics industry to stop adding plastic micro...
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“It’s not me, it’s you.”: #CleanSeas Break-Up PSA

2018-02-11 | English

Sandra realizes she has been in a toxic relationship for too long and decides it's time for a break-up. What's more, she...
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