Join key stakeholders at the SEA of Solutions 2024 on 18-20 September to explore accelerated pathways to a circular plastic economy
Bridging Rights and Responsibilities: Tackling Plastic Pollution together with the Informal Sector
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Solving Plastic Pollution At Source

Plastic waste is choking our seas and threatening ecosystems and livelihoods in South-East Asia. Striving for cleaner seas, less plastic wasted and a more circular economy requires fundamental change throughout the plastic value chain.

SEA circular is an initiative of UN Environment Programme and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) to inspire market-based solutions and encourage enabling policies to prevent marine plastic pollution.


SEA of Solutions 2024

26 September 2024

2024 is a pivotal year for efforts to turn the tide on plastic pollution. Member States have engaged in four sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on an international legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution. Tackling the plastic pollution crisis requires a comprehensive...

5th April 2024

UNEP has launched the call for applications for the next edition of the Young Champions of the Earth award, which recognizes the contributions of young people in leading environmental action. UNEP is looking for entrepreneurs, scientists, economists, artists, and communicators...


18 July 2024

A recent online regional meeting hosted by UNEP served as a platform to introduce their draft report, “Recognition, Inclusion, and Integration of the Informal Waste and Recycling Sector...

24 April 2024

In this awareness video crafted by UNEP with assistance from the SEA circular project, the emphasis lies on raising awareness about reducing unnecessary plastic usage. The video delves into...

29 March 2024

SEA circular project collaborated with the Vietnam National University (VNU), in facilitating the integration of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) implementation in marine plastic litter...