12 May 2020, Bangkok, Thailand: A new regional report on sustainable oceans in Asia and the Pacific is launching this week. The SEA circular project contributed to this significant publication.
Join a virtual launch session on YouTube to find out more.
The ocean and its resources are the lifelines of Asia and the Pacific.
While being the resource for some of the region’s key economic sectors, such as seaborne trade, fisheries and tourism, oceans are also the source of well-being, culture and identity for thousands of coastal communities. The conditions of oceans are inextricably linked to the pathways of sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. Various indicators, however, are suggesting that the oceans are becoming more fragile with the pressing impacts of climate change, marine pollution and unsustainable economic practices.
Produced in line with the 76th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, this report examines three key areas – maritime connectivity, sustainable fisheries and marine plastic pollution – around which regional platforms can rally cross-sectoral solutions for the oceans. Among others, the study also draws attention to the lack of data and statistics on the oceans, growing demand for moving towards inclusive and green maritime shipping, deteriorating fish stocks and gaps in fishery management, and mounting pressure of marine plastic pollution in the region.
Watch live at 11:00 (Bangkok Time) on the 13th of May on YouTube
and ask your questions on the live chat or by email at escap-scas@un.org
Key speakers:
Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP
Ms. Azhar Jaimurzina Ducrest, Chief of Transport Connectivity and Logistics Section, ESCAP
Ms. Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief of Economic and Environment Statistics Section, ESCAP
Mr. Oliver Paddison, Chief of Countries with Special Needs Section, ESCAP
Mr. Manuel Castillo, Environment and Development Policy Section, ESCAP