Ending Plastic Pollution Using 10 Acceleration Solutions
Bangkok, 9 March 2022
The SEA of Solutions (SOS) 2021 event closed with 10 acceleration solutions through in-depth and constructive dialogues, which set the benchmark for stepping up collective actions to end plastic pollution. These solutions were identified during the three-day programme, echoing the urgent call of the UN Environment Assembly for “more action, more cooperation, more finance and more ambition and more sustained commitment”.
These 10 acceleration solutions are: Enhancing collective responsibility; Mobilizing impact investments; Leveraging partnerships; Acting for nature; Engaging with communities and youth; Functional circular solutions; Enabling policy; Education, sharing and clear communication; Embracing innovation; and Cities are solution leaders.
To learn more about the 10 acceleration solutions to end plastic pollution, you can read our event outcome report which is now available online for the participants, supporters and audiences. This report is highlighting the event background, overall outcome and session snapshots.
The SOS 2021 is an annually occurring partnership event towards solving plastic pollution at source, convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), through the SEA circular project supported by the Government of Sweden.
This year, SEA of Solutions aimed towards revisiting and showcasing actions and innovations to support countries, industries and communities to get back on track and build back better – with renewed commitments, solutions and clear directions on the way forward during and beyond the pandemic.
SEA of Solutions 2021 was held virtually on 16–18 November 2021, co-hosted by the Ministry of the Environment and Water of Malaysia, together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body for the East Asian Seas (COBSEA) through the SEA circular project.
The SOS 2021 had over 800 registered practitioners, scientists, government officials, representatives from civil society organizations, private sector, investors, entrepreneurs as well as development partners, and individuals connecting from seventy countries. Delegates gathered virtually to explore partnerships and share learnings from cutting edge science, innovation, and practical solutions, to reduce and prevent plastic pollution and leakage.