18 May 2020, Bangkok, Thailand: The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically disrupted business and exposed major vulnerabilities in the economy and global supply chains. This OECD event will gather thought leaders from government and business, trade unions, civil society, academia and international organisations to discuss how Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) can build value and more resilient supply chains in a post-COVID-19 world.
The Forum will discuss a variety of themes including the promotion of business responsibility in a post-COVID-19 world; the role of RBC in government support and recovery packages and how innovative engagement across stakeholders can promote responsible and resilient supply chains.
This year’s Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct (GFRBC) will be held virtually in two parts:
- 19 May 2020: RBC and COVID-19
This event will focus on how governments and businesses can use a responsible business conduct (RBC) approach to address the COVID-19 crisis and build more resilient supply chains. The Global Forum has become the leading event for governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society to promote international dialogue on RBC and contribute to the effective implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This year we will bring together stakeholders from business, trade unions, civil society and academia to discuss key social, economic and environmental challenges related to RBC including ways in which we can use the ongoing pandemic to integrate responsible business thinking into policies and action to bring remedy to people, meet the Sustainable Development Goals and tackle climate change.
- 17 June 2020: Access to Remedy
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the National Contact Points (NCPs) for RBC, this event focus on the broader remedy/accountability landscape, bringing together various other grievance mechanisms.
Please register to have access to all the sessions live and on replay afterwards.
On 19 May 2020, join Masamichi Kono, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD and Phil Hogan, Trade Commissioner, European Commission on 19 May 2020 for an in-depth series of discussions on COVID -19 and Responsible Business Conduct.
Speakers on 19 May include:
- Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation
- Matthew Chamberlain, Chief Executive Officer, London Metal Exchange
- Deborah Greenfield, Deputy Director-General for Policy, International Labour Organization
- Heidi Hautala, Vice President, EU Parliament
- Christy Hoffman, General Secretary, UNI Global
- Martina Kampmann, Head of International Agreements, Transparency International Germany
- Larissa Luy, Senior Environmental and Social Specialist International Finance Corporation
- John Morrison, Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Human Rights and Business
- Helen Mountford, Vice-President for Climate and Economics, World Resources Institute
- Alexandra Palt,Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer, L’Oréal
- Anita Ramasastry, Vice Chair, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
- Tom Smith, Director, Global Affairs, Walmart
- Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors