Everything you ever wanted to know about How to Measure Plastic Pollution: “An Introduction to the UNEP IUCN National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action”
PURPOSE: To Introduce the UNEP IUCN National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action and the concepts of plastic pollution measurement. Attendees will discover how the Guidance and toolkit have been used to date, with one example from Asia and Africa shared. We will highlight the methodology and discuss how the Guidance links to national policy interventions and instruments and the business angle. The sessions will include 30 minutes for audience Q and A. The webinar sessions will be recorded and posted online.
UNEP Team:
– Mr. Feng Wang, Programme Officer, Coordinator on Circularity and Waste, Economy Division
– Ms. Ran Xie, Associate Programme Officer, Consumption and Production Unit, Resources and Markets Branch, Economy Division
IUCN Team:
– Mr. Janaka de Silva, Senior Programme Coordinator, IUCN Plastics, MARPLASTICCs
– Ms. Lynn Sorrentino, Temporary Marine Programme Officer, MARPLASTICCs
– Mr. Peter Manyara, Regional Project Officer, Marine Plastics & Coastal Communities, Coastal and Ocean Programme, East and Southern Africa Region
– Ms. Maeve Nightingale, Senior Programme Officer Coastal and Marine, Asia
– Mr. Gerard Bos, Director, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
– Mr. Juan Manuel Sabio Morchio, Legal Officer, Environmental Law Programme
Quantis ea team:
– Mr. Julien Boucher, PhD, Founder & Director, Shaping ea
– Mr. Alexandre Bouchet, Environmental Analyst, Shaping ea
– Dr. Paola Paruta, Environmental Analyst, Shaping ea
– Ms. Violaine Magaud, Sustainability Consultant, Quantis
DATE: 1 October 2020.
2 Sessions
Session 1: 08:30-10:30 CEST
Session 2: 13:00-15:00 CEST
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Webinar Invitation UNEP IUCN Guidance on Plastic Hotspotting