For more information – visit the SEA of Solutions 2019 website
SEA of Solutions 2019
Plastic waste is choking our rivers and seas, threatening ecosystems and livelihoods in South East Asia. Striving for cleaner seas, less plastic wasted and a more circular economy requires fundamental changes throughout the plastic value chain.
SEA of Solutions 2019 is the first annual partnership week convened by SEA circular – an initiative from the UN Environment Programme and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), with support from the Swedish Government – to inspire market-based solutions and encourage enabling policies to prevent marine plastic pollution in South East Asia. SEA circular works in partnership with governments, businesses, civil society, development partners, academia, UN agencies and the media to solve plastic pollution at source.
SEA of Solutions 2019 is bringing together governments, business leaders, scientists, UN agencies and community groups, to dialogue on solutions for marine plastic pollution.
For more information – visit the SEA of Solutions 2019 website