15 June 2020 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM WIB
In this webinar, the One Planet network Consumer Information Programme will present its new report “Can I recycle this? A global mapping and assessment of standards, labels and claims on plastic packaging“.
The report was led by Consumers International and the United Nations Environment Programme and contributes to the One Planet network-wide Plastics Initiative. The webinar will give an overview of the report, present the methodology, share the main findings and five key recommendations to improve consumer information on plastic packaging.
The report presentation will be followed by a discussion on the role of government and response to the report with National Focal Points from various regions. Attendees are invited to engage in the discussion and raise additional questions or comments.
This webinar is organized for One Planet network National Focal Points. The discussion in this webinar will therefore focus on the role of governments but the report is relevant for all types of stakeholders engaged or interested in the communication of sustainability information to consumers and keen to improve their understanding of the current landscape regarding plastic packaging.