100 Days to #BeatPlasticPollution
Plastic waste is choking our seas and coasts, threatening ecosystems, livelihoods, and lives in South-East Asia. Due to Covid-19, we are now fighting a plastic pandemic of new waste created from ‘new norms’ of plastic consumption such as the use of single-use plastics including personal protective equipment (PPE).
South-East Asia is at the heart of this marine plastic pollution challenge. Six of the top 20 polluters of marine litter are in South-East Asia, making the region a major hotspot of plastic pollution.
100 Days to #BeatPlasticPollution is developed by the SEA circular project (an initiative of UNEP and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA)) and is implemented in partnership with the Clean Seas campaign, to create region-wide awareness on plastic pollution and public support for policies to change plastic value chain management.